
Showing posts from June, 2021


At the pause of time I saw you touching the ocean. My breath taken as your rays slowly disappear from the planet. My heart unaware of the journey you've embarked on yet living me in hope expectations on your retain the next morning. The colours you display to my eyes each time you want to say goodbye lives me deep in your love through life's adventure world 2 🌍 Life's adventure world 2🌍,   reaching out in love and beauty to all. Do leave a like or comment and follow through to experience wonders with us.


From a distance I can feel your warmth, you are my light in the day and every night I sleep knowing you will arise the next day. I found you the day I was born and you welcomed me with blossoms of flowers around my life. Today I observe you from a distance and my heart is forever connected with you through life's adventure world 2 🌍 Life's adventure world 2 🌍, sharing in the over growing bond of love and life. Leave a like or comment and share your views to all 


My life lays at this moment of stillness, the moment of love, joy and peace. My happeness is found in the effortless breath I take in and out. My smile is in the ever growing bond of love and peace which lays before my eyes. Through  life's adventure world 2 🌍. Life's adventure world 2 🌍, sharing in the ever growing bond of love and peace. Leave a like or comment and follow through to see the world through our hearts.


Through these eyes I have found peace, through these eyes I have found joy and through my story I have found happiness. What lays beyond is unpredictable and what lays before is noticeable. This point is now and our life is in constant flow through life's adventure world 2 🌍. Life's adventure world 2 🌍, sharing in the ever lasting love and peaceful bond of connect. Please leave a like or comment and follow through to see the world through our hearts.


Today makes the true birth of life's adventure world 2🌍. This blog I have created is separate from life's adventure world 🌍, which I am currently running on word press with over 456 followers and over a thousand views. This is going to be really amazing and extraordinary just like life's adventure world 🌍. The photo I have added today is me the short guy and my long term friend since 2014 in junior secondary school. I very excited hope to hear from you all and have a wonderful day. Life's adventure world 2🌍 bringing our hearts closer in life and joy. Please leave a like or comment and follow through to see the world through our hearts.


This question is very common to most my thoughts when it comes to determining how much I can spend.  It amazing how it all happens because when I think of how I purchase a sweet in relation to how I can purchase a watch without having to ask myself the same question. What difference is there now looking at in these situations are all purchases.i don't have to think of how much I have to spend to but a sweet but I have to think of how much I have to spend on a watch. Let's us put aside for a moment to quality and the use or any others that might qualify these to there price. Let's us look at them as one purchase but with different in the price and the ability of my mind having to puzzle over a purchase. The puzzle of my mind comes in because one purchase will certainly have an effect on me mentally and the other won't. The effect on my mind is what determines the level at which I am in financial freedom. Have a wonderful day.